COOP'ART (EFA219/16) is a project developed by various Catalan and French partners in order to promote a shared innovation and sustainable development strategy of craftwork in the European programme POCTEFA framework (INTERREG V-A programme Spain-France-Andorra) of territorial cooperation created to promote the sustainable development of cross-border territory among these three countries, and in which economically co-financed projects of cross-border cooperation are designed and managed by actors from both sides of the Pyrenees. The European Commission approved the EU regional policy with investments to support job creation, competitiveness, economic growth, improved quality of life and sustainable development. For more information, visit the European Union Regional Policy webpage.
The project has been co-financed at 65% by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg V-A Spain-France-Andorra Programme (POCTEFA 2014-2020). The objective of POCTEFA is to strengthen the economic and social integration of Spain-France-Andorra border region. Its help focuses on the development of cross-border economic, social and environmental activities through joint strategies in favour of sustainable territorial development.
COOP’ART project is inserted in the axis 3 to «Promote protection, value and durable use of local resources», within the thematic objective (6C) to «Preserve, protect, favour and develop the natural and cultural heritage» with the specific objective (OE6) of «Appraising the natural and cultural heritage through joint approaches of sustainable development». The final objectives of COOP’ART project are:
Drive a shared innovation and sustainable development strategy of artistic craftwork.
Improve the artistic and economic potential of craftwork enterprises
Develop the immaterial cultural heritage and the tourist attractiveness of the territories.
In particular, the COOP'ART project is based on the following general objectives:
It also considers the following specific objectives:
Fourteen are the partners of the COOP'ART project, seven of them are French: Chambre régionale des métiers et de l'artisanat Occitanie (lead partner), and the associations of des Chambres de métiers des Pyrennes, of Ariege, of Haute Garonne, of Hautes Pyrennes, of the Pyrenees Orientales, and Martres-Tolosane City Council; and seven are Catalan: Terracotta Museum, la Bisbal d'Empordà City Council, the association from Lleida Obrador Xisqueta, Sant Hilari Sacalm City Council, Diputació de Barcelona, Consell Comarcal de la Selva, and Activa Prospect consultancy.
The overall project amounts to a total cost of €1,810,677, of which the POCTEFA programme subsidises the 65%. The City Council of la Bisbal can have €414,766 as eligible expenses, and the Terracotta Museum Board €102,500, thus it will entail a European funding of €269,598 for the City Council and €66,625 for the Terracotta Museum.
The cross-border project foresees to achieve the following tangible results:
At the same time, the project foresees actions at a local level, regarding to the Terracotta Museum, to adapt certain equipment spaces to host experimental and training workshops, and to reform the museum's store space as the starting point of the Ceramic Route and the diffusion of the project, among others. As for la Bisbal City Council, part of the jobs of the Terracotta's exteriors would be financed, a study about European models of ceramic fairs would be carried out to make a new proposal of ceramic fair in la Bisbal about the year 2020 and also a stand of the Ceràmica de la Bisbal brand (to attend national and international fairs...) would be designed. In la Bisbal, the project has the support of the Potters Association of Catalonia and the School of Ceramics.
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