657 91 44 37

What to do

La Bisbal d'Empordà has many cultural activities and services so all visitors can enjoy the city from its many different points of interest: crafts, shopping, ceramics, heritage sites, fairs and markets, antiquities, castles, history, etc.



A number of signposted rural paths join La Bisbal to neighbouring villages and are ideal cycling paths.

The Empordà plain has ideal features for cycle touring and from La Bisbal there are a number of signposted rural paths that join it to neighbouring villages and which are perfect for cycling along.

In the following Regional Council website you will find the basic information you will need to choose your route:

Cycle touring network routes in the Baix Empordà

You can also download the Baix Empordà cycle touring map in PDF here: Cycle touring in the Baix Empordà PDF

Some of the routes departing from La Bisbal are the following:

La Bisbal - Cruïlles - Monells - Sant Sadurní - La Bisbal

La Bisbal - Vulpellac - Palau Sator - Ullastret - La Bisbal

La Bisbal - Peratallada - Palau Sator - Ullastret - La Bisbal 

The entreprise Empordà Lovers organizes guided tours by elecric bicycle that’ll alow you to breath up an amazing experiences in a practical way, regardless users’s physical condition.  For further information on the route that comes out from La Bisbal visit: https://www.empordalovers.cat/

At the tourist office you can request free cycletouring maps or purchase the cycletouring guide or the cycle touring in the Baix Empordà topographic map (1:50.000). 



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