La Bisbal d'Empordà has many cultural activities and services so all visitors can enjoy the city from its many different points of interest: crafts, shopping, ceramics, heritage sites, fairs and markets, antiquities, castles, history, etc.
Discover the ceramic craftsmanship at la Bisbal
Enjoy ceramics, visit each workshop store and connect with artisans.
Lur. Aigüeta, 152
FankFreak. Aigüeta, 130
Annick Galimont. Aigüeta, 72
Sampere. Aigüeta, 49
Vilà Clara. Sis d’Octubre,27
Rulduà. Cavallers, 1
Limón studio. Raval, 7
La Vacamorta. Sta. Mª del Puig,1
CIRCUIT SCHEDULE: During store opening
Organize: Ajuntament de la Bisbal d’Empordà
Colaborate: Associació de Ceramistes de la Bisbal
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