657 91 44 37

What to do

La Bisbal d'Empordà has many cultural activities and services so all visitors can enjoy the city from its many different points of interest: crafts, shopping, ceramics, heritage sites, fairs and markets, antiquities, castles, history, etc.



The weekly market held on Fridays is one of the longest standing in the region and covers a large part of the old town. Other traditional or modern trade fairs are held during the year: antiques, pottery, gastronomy...

The weekly market held on Fridays is one of the longest standing in the region and covers a large part of the old town. The right to hold the market was a privilege awarded to the city in 1322 by King James II. Until not so long ago it was the main platform for agricultural and cattle transactions in the region. It currently has 150 stalls with food, clothes, household objects and personal accessories.

Every year sees the Street Market Fair held on 1st May, a multi-sectorial fair involving the traders from the city and merchants from different parts of Catalonia. A ceramics fair is also held during this fair. The Street Market Fair on 1 May dates back to 1991, resulting from the reinvention of the traditional Pentecostal Fair, started in 1448 thanks to a privilege awarded by Queen Mary, wife of Alfonso IV the Magnanimous.

The importance of the sector of antiques dealers and restorers has resulted in a bi-annual Empordà Antiques Fair, one of the best known in Catalonia. The antiques and restoration fair is a clear commitment of the Town Council and the sector to promote and dynamise this activity, as La Bisbal has become a centre that is recognised nationally and internationally in this field. Antiques Empordà and its monographic offer has become a mandatory reference among fairs of this kind that are held in Catalonia.

Alternating with Antic Empordà, Fira Artesana takes place every two years too. Pottery and ceramics have the major role here, together with recognized master crafters in other disciplines. 

Both Antic Empordà and Fira Artesana take place around Easter. 

More recently, an autumn fair has been started called “Tastaolletes” which combines the utilitarian ceramics sector with gastronomy. Producers of ceramic crockery and restaurant owners from la Bisbal present their offer jointly during the weekend closest to 12 October.

Every September 11th, to mark the Catalan National Day, a fair of Toys, Vintage and Collectors Items has been held for almost 30 years. More recently, an activity has been added consisting of tastings of vermouth with soda before the midday meal (an old gastronomic tradition that had been lost for some time). 


5 de gener

5 de enero

5th January

5 Janvier

Cavalcada de Reis

Cabalgata de Reyes

Three Wisemen Parade

Défilée des Trois Rois

Febrer o març (segons el calendari lunar)

Febrero o marzo (depende del calendario lunar)

February or March (depending on religious calendar)

Février ou Mars (sélon calendrier lunaire)

Carnaval i Carnestoltes popular



Mardi Gras Festival


Mardi Gras

Setmana Santa


Semana Santa





Fira Antic Empordà i Les receptes de l’àvia (anys senars) o Fira Artesana i La cuina de la terrissa(anys parells)

Feria Antic Empordà y Las recetas de la abuela (años impares) o Feria Artesana y la Cocina de la Alfarería (años pares)

Antic Empordà Fair (uneven years) or Artesana Fair (even years)

Foire Antic Empordà (années impaires) ou Foire Artesana (années paires)

23 Abril

23 Abril

23rd April

23 Avril

Fira de roses i llibres de Sant Jordi

Feria de roses y libros de Sant Jordi

Saint George’s Day roses and books fair

Saint George: Foire de roses et livres

1 maig

1 mayo

1st May

1r Mai

Fira Mercat al Carrer

Feria Mercado en la Calle

Market on the streets

Marché sur les rues

1r cap de setmana de juny

1r fin de semana de junio

1st weekend in June

1r weekend en Juin

Aplec de la sardana

Fiesta de la sardana

Sardana Folk Dance Festival

Festival de la danse folk Sardana

3r cap de setmana de juliol

3º fin de semana de julio

3rd weekend in July

3ème weekend en Juillet

Fira de Circ al Carrer

Feria de Circo de Calle

Street Circus Festival

Festival du Cirque de Rue

1r dissabte d’agost

1r sábado de agosto

1st Saturday in August

1r Samedi en Aôut

Marxa nocturna per les Gavarres

Marcha noctura en Les Gavarres

Night March around the Gavarres mountain

Marche populaire dans la montagne des Gavarres

14-18 agost

14-18 de agosto

14-18th August

14-18 Aôut

Festa Major

Fiesta Mayor

Town festival

Fêtes patronales

16 d’agost a les 22 h

16 de agosto a las 22 h

August 16th at 10pm

16 Aôut à 22 h







11 setembre


11 septiembre


11th September


11 Septembre

Fira-mercat de brocanters, col.leccionisme i joguines i Jornada del vermut

Feria-mercado de brocante, coleccionismo y juguetes y Jornada del vermouth

Vintage, collector’s items and toys fai and Vermouth tasting

Foire du vintage, collectionisme et jouets et Journée du Vermouth

Segon diumenge d’octubre

Segundo domingo de octubre

Second Sunday in October

Deuxième  dimanche en Octobre

Arrossada i aplec a l’ermita del Remei

Paella en la ermita del Remei

Paella meal for everyone at the Remei chapel

Repas de paella a l’eglise du Remei

Pont del Pilar

Puente del Pilar

Around the 12th of October

Près du 12 Octobre


Fira gastronòmica i de ceràmica

Feria gastronomia y ceràmica

Gastronomy and pottery fair

Foire gastronomie et poterie

Al voltant del 13 de desembre

Alrededor del 13 de diciembre

Around the 13th of December

Près du 13 Décembre

Aplec de Santa Llúcia

Fiesta de la ermita de Santa Llúcia

Saint Llúcia fest

Fête de Santa Llúcia


25 desembre

25 diciembre

25th December

25 Décembre

Concert Ball de Nadal

Concierto Baile de Navidad

Christmas Party (ball and concert)

Fête de Noel (bal et concert)

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