La Bisbal d'Empordà has many cultural activities and services so all visitors can enjoy the city from its many different points of interest: crafts, shopping, ceramics, heritage sites, fairs and markets, antiquities, castles, history, etc.
La Bisbal offers new proposals such as the Street Circus Fair, proposals that recover rituals or traditions from other times, such as the “Correfoc”, the Bisbal “beasts” or the dances of the giants and capgrossos [big heads], and proposals linked to traditional culture, such as the summer town festival or sardana dance group meetings.
The Street Circus Festival in La Bisbal d’Empordà is held on the third weekend in July and it is a reference in Catalonia and internationally, despite its amateur nature. It has always been known for its original and avant-garde programme, for the quality of the companies and artists that take part and for the diversity of the genres.
Inspired in the Dance of the Devils (dating from the 12th century) which symbolised the fight between good and evil, the “Correfoc” is a parade-spectacle with fire where the Dragons set off bangers and firecrackers and create a visual spectacle that anyone can take part in if properly protected. It is one of the main events of the Local Festival, together with the parade and dance of the giants (a tradition dating back to the 14th century). The Local Festival, held on and around the 15th August, includes many children’s activities, sardana dance concerts, evening balls and performances by music groups for children, among others. It is the main festival in the city. On 17th August 2015, the BBC published the following paragraph on its website:
"Catalan festival marked with flames and fireworks
The annual festival of flames and fireworks has taken place in Catalonia. Known as Correfoc, meaning "fire run", the people of La Bispal D'Emporda, just north of Barcelona, are treated to displays of villagers dressed as devils warding off evil spirits by dancing to music. Other displays included whirling dragons who scattered their sparks amongst the huge crowds to the beat of local 'gralla' drums".
On the first Sunday in June La Bisbal hosts the Sardana dance group event, the festival of Catalan traditional dance and music.
The Remei meeting at Castell d’Empordà and the local festival at Sant Pol are traditional celebrations for these two towns in the La Bisbal region.
Aside from the above mentioned, different traditional festivals organised by local entities are held throughout the year.
5 de gener 5 de enero 5th January 5 Janvier |
Cavalcada de Reis Cabalgata de Reyes Three Wisemen Parade Défilée des Trois Rois |
Febrer o març (segons el calendari lunar) Febrero o marzo (depende del calendario lunar) February or March (depending on religious calendar) Février ou Mars (sélon calendrier lunaire) |
Rua de Carnestoltes i Carnestoltes popular Desfile de Carnaval y Carnaval popular
Mardi Gras Festival
Mardi Gras |
Setmana Santa
Semana Santa
Pâques |
Fira Antic Empordà i Les receptes de l’àvia (anys senars) o Fira Artesana i La cuina de la terrissa(anys parells) Feria Antic Empordà y Las recetas de la abuela (años impares) o Feria Artesana y la Cocina de la Alfarería (años pares) Antic Empordà Fair (uneven years) or Artesana Fair (even years) Foire Antic Empordà (années impaires) ou Foire Artesana (années paires) |
23 Abril 23 Abril 23rd April 23 Avril |
Diada de Sant Jordi. Fira de roses i llibres San Jorge. Feria de rosas y libros George’s Day. Roses and books fair Saint George. Foire de roses et livres |
Entre abril i maig (Prova puntuable per la Copa de Catalunya) Entre abril y mayo (Prueba puntuable para la Copa de Catalunya ) Between April and May (Proof that can be scored for the Copa de Catalunya ) Entre Avril et Mai (Une preuve qui peut être marquée pour la Copa de Catalunya) |
Marxa BTT Conca del Daró Marcha BTT Cuenca del Daró BTT Conca del Daró race BTT Conca del Daró course
1 maig 1 mayo 1st May 1r Mai |
Fira Mercat al Carrer i espais temàtics: fira de vehicles d’ocasió, mostra de Playmobil... feria Mercado en la Calle y espacios temáticos: feria de vehículos de ocasión, muestra de Playmobil... Market on the streets Marché sur les rues |
Final maig – Final juny Final mayo – Final junio End May - End June Fin mai - fin Juin |
Festival Daró Folk, cada divendres: música i balls tradicionals a la plaça Major Festival Daró Folk, cada viernes: música y bailes tradicionales en la plaza Mayor Festival Daró Folk, every Friday: music and traditional dances in the Plaza Mayor Festival Daró Folk, tous les vendredis: musique et danses traditionnelles à la Plaza Mayor |
1r cap de setmana de juny 1r fin de semana de junio 1st weekend in June 1r weekend en Juin |
Aplec de la sardana Fiesta de la sardana Sardana Folk Dance Festival Festival de la danse folk Sardana |
Juliol Julio July Juillet |
FITM (Festival internacional de Torre Maria), cada dimecres. Oferta de música alternativa amb gastronomia FITM (Festival internacional de Torre Maria), cada miércoles. Oferta de música alternativa con gastronomia FITM (International Festival of Torre Maria), every Wednesday FITM (Festival International de Torre Maria), tous les mercredis |
3r cap de setmana de juliol 3º fin de semana de julio 3rd weekend in July 3ème weekend en Juillet |
Fira de Circ al Carrer Feria de Circo de Calle Street Circus Festival Festival du Cirque de Rue |
1r dissabte d’agost 1r sábado de agosto 1st Saturday in August 1r Samedi en Aôut |
Marxa nocturna per les Gavarres Marcha noctura en Les Gavarres Night March around the Gavarres mountain Marche populaire dans la montagne des Gavarres |
14-18 agost 14-18 de agosto 14-18th August 14-18 Aôut |
Festa Major Fiesta Mayor Town festival Fêtes patronales
16 d’agost a les 22 h 16 de agosto a las 22 h August 16th at 10pm 16 Aôut à 22 h |
Correfoc “Correfoc” “Correfoc” “Correfoc”
11 setembre
11 septiembre
11th September
11 Septembre |
Fira-mercat de brocanters, col.leccionisme i joguines i al mateix temps la Jornada del vermut Feria-mercado de brocante, coleccionismo y juguetes y al mismo tiempo la Jornada del vermouth Vintage, collector’s items and toys fai and Vermouth tasting Foire du vintage, collectionisme et jouets et Journée du Vermouth |
Segon diumenge d’octubre Segundo domingo de octubre Second Sunday in October Deuxième dimanche en Octobre |
Arrossada i aplec a l’ermita del Remei Paella en la ermita del Remei Paella meal for everyone at the Remei chapel Repas de paella a l’eglise du Remei |
Als voltants del Pont del Pilar Alrededor del Puente del Pilar Around the 12th of October Près du 12 Octobre
Tastaolletes: fira gastronòmica i de ceràmica Feria gastronomia y ceràmica Gastronomy and pottery fair Foire gastronomie et poterie |
Al voltant del 13 de desembre Alrededor del 13 de diciembre Around the 13th of December Près du 13 Décembre |
Aplec de Santa Llúcia Fiesta de la ermita de Santa Llúcia Saint Llúcia fest Fête de Santa Llúcia
El diumenge abans de Nadal El domingo antes de Navidad The Sunday before Christmas Le Dimanche avant Nöel |
Fira Dolça Feria Dulce Sweet fair Foire sucrée |
25 desembre 25 diciembre 25th December 25 Décembre |
Ball de Nadal Baile de Navidad Christmas Party Fête de Noel |
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